De Mannen van Holwerd aan Zee
(The Men of Holwerd by the Sea)

The liveability of the village of Holwerd threatened to deteriorate. To counteract this development, the village itself came up with an ambitious proposal that made everyone involved enthusiastic: Holwerd aan Zee (Holwerd by the Sea). Residents, water engineers, entrepreneurs, artists and nature lovers see advantages and opportunities, and are anxious to get started. Fifty years ago there were plans in this area to further impolder the Wadden Sea. Now, in the same area, there are opposite plans, in which the natural dynamics are given more space. The plan calls for a breach in the sea dike to reconnect the Wadden Sea with the hinterlands. A dynamic interplay between man and nature, water and land, old and new. Nowadays the Wadden Sea is UNESCO World Heritage which creates opportunities for people and nature.

Commissioned by Sense of Place, Linette Raven honours the four initiators of Holwerd aan Zee with this installation ‘de Mannen van Holwerd’. It forms a symbolic prelude to the water that is to come. When standing face to face with these men, you are reminded of the fact that with ambitious plans and unified strength, a lot is possible. The artwork is part of a walking route that connects the village with the salt marshes of Staatsbosbeheer.